Monday, December 3, 2007

Favorite Song #6: "She Says [Live]" by Howie Day

Sometimes I wonder if I love a song because of the song itself, or because of the memories and emotions it evokes. Well, now that I wonder that, I'm pretty sure it's both. I found Howie Day back in 2001 shortly before the Sony re-release of his debut album Australia, on an Aware Records compilation. I quickly realized how talented this guy was, and was happy to see how much popularity he earned. A direct result of this was an increasingly large collection of live show recordings on the internet, which was so nice with Howie because he played twice as much material on the road than he had (or ever did) released in his albums. My junior year of high school I listened to him nonstop, usually while driving around in my car aimlessly.

This is by far my favorite of the 7 versions I have of this song by the American singer-songwriter. Day doesn't use the looping for which he's known; he uses his guitar and the passion in his voice to fill this song out. This version has a sweeping, ethereal quality to it: listen to the first two seconds and you'll know what I mean. This version in particular, especially over the two album versions, has a much more honest feel, like he's singing-wailing-from his heart; beautiful and fervent, this might just make you a fan of Howie if you're not already. Too bad he hasn't released anything in over two years :-/

*Photo: Barry Brecheisen / Rolling Stone*

She Says [Live].mp3